Please, in this website I will be helping the planet Earth and all the parasites on her, including Human, from the imminent death facing planet Earth. 

Please, I am not here to condemn or blame anybodys action towards saving the planet from the detiorating health which must result to the death of the planet if we dont act quickly. 

Please, if you find any word here offensive please forgive, it is not meant to offend anybody rather to save everybody. 

First, I must tell humanity that the cause of the problem is having no knowledge of what the planet Earth is, thats why we do most things wrongly. Global warming occurred, we started treating the problem of global warming from human perspective, human intelligence and ideas, which would have worked if we had known the planet well enough, human intelligence would have worked if such had happened before, here on Earth or elsewhere, for your information someone once suggested, global warming once happened in the planet Mars, I must tell you, global warming never happened in Mars. What happened in Mars we will not have time to talk for now, that will be story for next time which may make a good book. So our not having much knowledge of our planet Earth made us to dabble into so many suggestions and treatments to the warming which never Yielded positive result. Instead the warm kept increasing uncomfortably. This shows human brain is great but have its limits. 


Now let's try the alternative solution which must work

I start by explaining what the planets are. 

The way human and other animals start life from ato.zoa to baby up to young adult then adult, same way all these things we see in the space including planet Earth grow from one stage to the other, then adult size. The mystery here is that one stage of their own transformation is too long that even the entire life of humanity since inception put together cannot equal it, that even billions or trillions of years is not enough for it to have grown from one stage to another that is why it is difficult for human to study and understand and must remain a mystery unless a special being could shed light and explain it bit by bit. 

I once said that the planets and others in the space grow from ato.zoa

 to baby to young adult then to adult like human and other animals, here is how.  

All these planets and stars you see, all of it shoots, and each

 of it has shot several times, including our planet Earth. We take example from the one we know so well, planet Earth. We know planet Earth has rocks, stones of all sizes; Earth has water as well as all other things that are not firm on the soil. If planet Earth decides to shoot again, as it zooms off all these things that are not firm on the body or call it the soile, will surely be discharged to the, space, all of it. Out of all of three things that were discharged into the space, Animals, birds, humans, water, sand and rocks. Water, sand and rocks are still at their natural environment, the rest dies off because the space is not their natural environment because they live a parasitic life. Water and sand remains there In

 the space while some planets that hovers around keep magneting the ones they can to themselves that is the only way they feed by magneting impurities on the space and dijest for growth.

They feed from outside as against we that feed from inside. 

   So for this rocks the ones that survives the scoop from other planet, survives, because immediately they are discharged into the space then they are discharged like spermatozoa in billions few could be lucky enough to survive the harsh environment and hostility from other planet. 

In same way the sperm discharge into the womb in millions, very few survive. 

Planets have all or equivalent to everything humans have.

1. Planets have real eyes .

2. Planets have real nose.

3. Planets can breathe.

4. Planets have eqivalent of our hands and legs. 

5. Planets can eat from outside while we eat from inside.

6. Planets can move like we can move.

7. Planets can run like we can run. 

8. Planets can relocate like we can relocate. 

9. Planets are intelligent like we are intelligent. 

10. Planets are weather and conjestion conscious.

11. Planets have blood like we have blood. 

Let's start from second to last point number (ten): judging from how their nearness to the sun varies, one could clearly see that their body temperature varies like that of human, those who have low temperature like to go to heat, while those with high temperature will always go to cool place to cool off. 

 CONGESTION. Any reasonable judgment will always confirm that the space given in the gap they give to each other is not a mere coincidence. That they are intelligent enough to know that congestion could be too dangerous. 

Intelligent enough to keep a safe distance, intelligent enough to know when to relocate, for reasons of weather or threat of conjection etc. 

When I say planets have eyes, I mean real eyes like you and I, I have seen a planet shoot a non straight shoot almost like a capital L movement, that is because it avoided a star on its way to its chosen new location, that was the reason for making the L like movement. 

Another good evidence of their eyes and sight is the saturn's ring with seven beautiful colors, that ring is not a work of coincidence, that is purely the work of a sighted being. Beautified herself and for other eyes to see that's other planets. I most tell you that the eyes they have is better than the highest telescope man has ever made, they use these their eyes to see very far when they want to relocate to make sure the space is not congested and even study the weather too, to make sure all these things are in good order to promote convenience. 

Nose and breathing. 

Please pay attention to this important topic, I have to stress on this part because since life many attempts has been made by many people about the tide and cause of the tide. I tell you today that the breathing of the planet causes the tide, the high tide comes when the planet is breathing out and low tide follows when she breaths in gradually each lasts for about six hours. That length of time even explains how enamors the creature Earth is, but what confuses humans the more is the shape of the planet, the nature of body sand or soil that seems lifeless but I must tell you it is all alive, their own kind of life, that is the sand or stone remains alife, even when you lift it from the main body, but it must notice the departure from the main body, and remains uncomfortable till it is returned back. The stone or rock could only die if treated to conditions, like severe heat, like thrown into fire and burn for long. The stone dies, must change color and lose solidity, can no longer grow, instead it starts to wear off till it dissolves and other stones around it, uses it to appreciate if conditions around warrants. 

Breathing, Now the nose. 

   We have heard over and over again, that ships got missing at a place that even air planes disappear at that same spot too, the count of missing things that got disappeared at same place is endless. 

   No matter the name you call the place, that is the nostril

of the planet Earth, every planet breath like you and I, like inhale exhale yes, the difference is that,

 the planets we know so well is that Earth planet, the earth planet inherited water at this her last location or in other words got to a mustrus space and could scoop much water and pure to her self so much that it could cover her nostril, but that pose no danger because she could still breath easily, so she breaths in water and breaths out water too.  

Humans call it the tide, I call it breathing. 

   The reason why I am here is to save the planet Earth, Amongst all these billions of beings we see in the space, is only the planet Earth and one other, that are in danger if not saved they must die. That of Earth is global warming which I know you must support so that we can fix it once and for all so that the planet Earth's good health returns and she lives on for us to live on. 

   That of the other planet, the problem with it is that erosion has blocked her nostril with much sand for long time; if she did not get help she must die. 

So by the time we get through with this of planet Earth, by the time we are sure she is no more facing death I will present this other to Humanity, I know humans are very passionate, and they must be very willing to help, I must tell you that heavens mourn at the death of any planet. 

  The way to go about that one is to design some robots that will do the

Job of excavation, robots shall excavate the sand blocking the nostrill

till the sand is reduced enough for the planet to suck in by the way of birthing in, because the erosion blocked the nostrill by the time the planet is breathing in.

  Please, I will like to give some general advice here, the advice is that anything we don't know so well we must not claim overall knowledge of such, when such porpoted experts does anything, information from such quarters could be highly misleading, be it political, religious or science. 

  I have almost explained all the features that the planet have, except the blood which is last i will explain before I give the solution. Let me throw more light on the equivalent of the hands and legs. 

  What she uses as the hands and legs, every of the beings you see on the space use same, that is air or do we call it the wind. They can use the wind to do anything no matter what, these things you see on the space can make the wind to be so powerful to the extent that it can pull out any tree or squeeze any tree no matter how big. They can use wind to move thousands of tons of sand to any part if they so wish. They use the wind to move clouds and ozone to any part they want, some that are at a moisturus part of the space uses this wind to scoop water and pour unto herself as rain, and most importantly, it is this wind that they use to rotate and shoot when they like to shoot. They shoot when they see reasons to shoot not by any pull of any gravity from any place. Humanity should know that these space being does not worry or interfere each other in any way be it by gravity or any form. 

  All that I have been explaining is explained better in my over two hundred pages book which is yet to be published, there are many important things in the book that didn't appear here due to want of time. The Blood. Like you and I, we all have our blood which is responsible for our being alive, responsible for our being energetic for many other functions in life, same way planets and our planet Earth has blood to be alive and to be able to accomplish her daily rituals. The Blood is also responsible in regulating the temperature. Just like the Blood plays the same role in your body. There is no explanation given in regards to blood that is too much, it is exactly the same way is it's uses to the planet. What went wrong? What went wrong is that we over explored and discovered the almost unavoidable use of the Blood, which we call the crude. Crude oil and gas are the blood that kept the planet Earth going. The more we suck the crude oil and gas is the more serious the problem of global warming gets. Hear this shockerr that even science never knew, humanity have suck this oil and gas so much to the extent that the percent left may no longer carry our planet Earth moving and she will soon stop rotating. That will happen at about 14.00 hours GMT. This must happen if the World community did not come together to discuss the way to avert it, The way to avert it, is only by coming together of World community to discuss on how best to stop the drill and suck of crude oil and gas. This move must be very urgent, so that we are not caught by surprise, because if the planet Earth stops spinning, that should mean death, or coma which may latter result to death, and if the planet Earth should eventually die, you know we are doomed because we are too insignificant to make any change.

Another very important issue that should be discussed in that World leaders assembly is, the ðŸ”¥ fire burning on a large area of land for about thirty something years. I mean the place called gate of hell..

Imagine what it takes to light your lantern for a night, the amount of oil consumed, then talk of an area as big as a stadium burning for about thirty something years. This fire should be stopped, human beings are intelligent and pawerful, we must stop this fire burning at the place called gate of hell.

Do this few things i ask humanity to do and go to bed with your two eyes closed on the issue of global warming. That is stop the drill and suck of crude oil and gas, and too to stop the fire burning at the place called gate of hell.

A friend argued that to hands off the use of crude oil and gas is like going back to dark ages.

Yes I agree with him but that is the bitter pill we have to take to get healed. I asked this same friend to choose from stopping the use of crude oil and gas and suffer the impact for about a year or two before alternatives are made surplus and we continue normal life. But if we continue using the oil and gas till the planet Earth crashes and die which should mean the death of everything on and in the planet? I know what the friend answered, i still put the same question to you.

Please world leaders should make this my message and solution the numbers one praority for the continuity of humanity because this preventive solution is hundred percent guaranteed. But if we humanity should suck her to coma, then any cure should be about sixty percent chance to survive and forty percent chance to die, but worse if we suck her to outright death, that should be a shame because the few people sent out 

from this planet will not survive because we are still so much Earth bound for now. Humanity will no longer be in danger of extinction only when we develop into other conductive plants far or near, that is the only time we can be sure we no longer face extinction, not now that we have all our eggs in one basket. Please join me to call our leaders together to make sure we get these things that I explained done, that is the only solution and that is our hope. Please create hyper awareness to all by read and share.


Yours sincerely,

Chika Frank.
